I’ve always hated this day

Good old Father’s Day once again.

Now this isn’t going to turn into a giant bash fest of my wasband. For the most part he is, in fact a very present father considering the nature of his job. He volunteers to coach baseball, hangs out at ju jitsu, chaperones school trips as required. The whole shebang.

I’m also blessed to have a present partner who steps up as well. He plays the video games, takes them on adventures, and just all around cares. When I first started dating post my divorce I knew it was going to be a struggle. Being a single mom, and a single mom who has a son with special needs, isn’t exactly a winning combination in today’s dating market. But we met, he learned, it involved a lot of therapy. Meshing of two households, two parenting styles it’s not easy. There isn’t a divide in parenting here, one doesn’t only parent their own and vice versa, you have to establish a balance.

I’d like to think we’ve achieved that.

Sadly my role model for what a father should be like isn’t the best. They use the excuse that they were raised in a different generation, one with little emotion, working all the time. One where the mother is the nurturer in the household. Sitcoms with active father figures are hailed as trendsetters, stay at home dad’s are celebrated in a way that stay at home mothers never are because of the societal norm that exists.

My dad didn’t work year round, he was seasonal for the most part with winters being the slow time. Sometimes he worked under the table and was able to draw on EI. There were days, and in some cases years where he didn’t work due to restrictions. During those times there were never instances where he would participate. Never a school play, or a music festival, not a parent teacher or even a doctors appointment so my mother wouldn’t have to take time off work. I can count on one hand the amount of family vacations we took that both parents were present. He came to my graduation from high school and that was probably the first time anyone in my circle had seen him in the 13 years I attended school.

People talk about how as adults their relationships with their fathers mature. They’re able to pick up the phone and ask their opinion on car repairs or household aliments. I see it now that while my brother had a tumultuous relationship with our dad growing up, now as adults they’ve established a silent respect for each other. The same cannot be said for myself and him. I’m too opinionated, in his opinion I think I’m better then him. My divorce was a huge blow to our relationship, people stay in unhappy marriages so I just should have stayed according to him. Me joining the forces put a knife into it as well. I chose a career over my family. A career that offers a steady paycheck, and benefits. But I digress. I’m still a disappointment.

Since starting my new relationship he’s refused to meet my partner. Is it because he loved wasband?? Absolutely not. He loathed him and thought of him as an arrogant asshole. He just has no interest in participating in my life. He knows nothing of my skills. Never seen the home I purchased on my own. He maintains a relationship with my children, but pretends like my two bonus daughters don’t exist. He thinks the special needs diagnosis my eldest has is just a farce. Little does he realize he’s never seen the darkness that can flip with a switch and he’s used to a child who’s gone through endless therapy and is properly medicated. Cards are signed from both my parents in my mother’s handwriting.

I often look at the relationship my current partner has with his father. Or even the relationship my wasband had with his before he passed away. I envy those that in times of crisis could just pick up the phone and their dad would swoop in to rescue them. Or to even offer advice in sticky situations. I’ve been lucky that both these men have allowed me to reach out for help from them. Wasband’s dad and I had many an adventure during the time he was around. We lived on other sides of the country so we were never super comfortable but existed quite well nonetheless. My current pseudo-father-in-law is unlike any man I’ve ever encountered. He always picks up my calls, replies to my texts and has saved me many a careless mistake when it comes to certain things.

I suppose the point in all of this rambling is to say, stop making excuses for shitty fathers. Stop making excuses for those who don’t deserve the public Happy Father’s Day posts on FB or whatever social media platform you maintain. Some men don’t deserve to be praised just because it’s their day. Celebrate the men in your life who just show up, they care because they’re good humans, not because their sperm is part of your DNA.

Serving as a parent

When I first decided to join the military I was part of a service couple. I was married to an individual who travelled during our dating and eventual marriage. They were gone when babies were little, when they were sick, when I was sick, and through it all it was expected. Par for the course as a military member.

I joined looking for job stability, benefits and just trying to forage my own path. During that time, my marriage fell apart and I became a single parent in a shared custody situation who was still a military member.

All of my training was done away, trying to be posted near my former spouse became a challenge. I fought, long and hard and eventually had to switch trades and elements, but I was able to keep us all together. My kids were going to be able to have both parents present in their life, albeit both as military members.

My ex remarried to a normal person, a work from home partner. One that was readily available when kids got sick, snow days occurred, or assemblies during the day. In my mind it was great that my kids had a parent that could be there when I couldn’t.

But then the parental anxiety began. Soon paper work was being filled out and their name was replacing mind. They were the first point of contact. I began being left off correspondence from teachers. School calendars with important dates weren’t making their way to both households. Pictures were being uploaded by extracurriculars labeling them as “the mother”. The tempo of my career was taking off while the tempo of others was slowing down. They were always a present parent, an aspect of them I was grateful for, but they were now joined by a maternal figure who was soon shadowing my own worth. The feelings were often amplified by email exchanges, statements that my career was thrusting someone else into the mother role that I was lacking to fill.

I would be excluded from the “parent squad” of activities, sides were already chosen and I was not a part of the elite club. I would sit on the sidelines, still there to cheer on the boys, but not part of the cool crew. I saw myself as a part time parent, who resorted to needing to use afterschool programs and unable to be there for school pick ups. Judged because I chose to serve.

Now I realize in some way that most of these feelings are inside my own head. I know that my boys value me and my relationship I have with them. Even at the ripe ages of almost 9 and 11 they still ask for hugs and cuddles, and their faces light up when I catch their eyes. I encourage them, support them, and just love them but sometimes I fail to feel enough for them.

The burden of being a mother while also being a solider (sailor) is a narrow road, one with bumps and obstacles. As I continue to progress I can only hope that I eventually find the balance I require to be the parent I know they deserve.

It’s yet again been awhile.

I yet again took a long hiatus. While I don’t expect really many to stumble upon this blog, nor do I think it will have much impact on anyone here I write nonetheless.

I suffer from anxiety. I had a therapist recommend journaling, I’ve put pen to paper in moments of darkness but I wonder it’s impact. I’ve done cbd, vitamin supplements, meditation, medication, therapy, self help books, etc etc. There’s a lot of paths that people take on their journey to find joy in life. That really is my long term goal, to feel joy. I have a stable relationship, amazing kids, a good job, reliable income, benefits, a home, all the things people see as a state of happiness. And yet, my mind is more occupied with thoughts of dread, and the need to please and make memories for those around me. I am a classic people pleaser.

My childhood was, unconventional. I definitely have demons that live inside my brain because of it. And demons I still face due to the relationship I have with my father, although I won’t go into that too deeply here. Some of my fondest memories are of the effort my mother always put forth to make out childhoods special. She worked full time, and had four children along with two bonus she did her very best with. She would take us camping solo, go to parades, amusement parks, cottages, the beach. I strive to provide my kids with such experiences, but in these moments I focus more on their feelings then my own happiness. Did my mother feel happiness during all these fond memories I have? I imagine vacations with upward of six children would cause stress. Especially with an absent partner. Or a present partner who was often problematic.

I don’t have that kind of partner, he is one who never says no. He’s always up for my adventures and ideas. He lacks the planning traits that I desire in order to satisfy the itch that exists in my brain. He is spontaneous, something I struggle with. His way of living can be exciting, and thrilling but causes my brain to power into overdrive and overwhelms my circuits. As you can expect, I short circuit, I lose control. While these aspect of him provide passion in our lives I struggle to regulate my own responses.

So I suppose the next question is, how does one move forward from here. What else is there to do for one in my predicament.

Since my last post I switched from the army to the navy. A well needed change to maintain the lifestyle I’m finding my way through. During a recent sail, while lamenting about certain aspects of my dynamics a mentor commented “Well I mean you have ADHD right? You’re so fixated at work, but scattered at home.” *insert blank stare* Well no in fact I’m not diagnosed with ADHD. For those that haven’t read back, my eldest son has both ASD and ADHD so I’ve been living this life for a while. It’s not crazy to assume I fixated on his needs and just completely ignored my own. Motherhood am I right? When I recounted the story to friends they too were surprised that I wasn’t already diagnosed with ADHD, so maybe I’m just a giant red flag walking around completely oblivious.

So I guess my next step in those journey is to just dive deeper into myself and to stop neglecting it all.

So much has changed

Well blog world, I would like to say I have good reasons for having such a gap in my online presence.

I’d like to think it was for the best, I’d like to think that it has been a smooth however many years it’s been since I last updated.

But, it’s not.

I made a decision a few years ago to join the army. I was looking to have a good career, and paying for school would have been hard, so I looked at subsidized options. The army gave me that. It however, began the demise of my marriage. I often wonder if enlisting and taking myself away from my family cause the rift, or if it would have happened even if I was home all the time. I was unhappy. I felt like I was merely a pawn in someone else’s chess game, when I deserved to be the queen. I felt like I relied too much on the income my wasband brought in, I felt it gave me no right to have ideas, or make choices and I was constantly having to ask permission from the breadwinner in order to actually live my life.

So, my marriage ended. Abruptly. Messy. In the moment I felt guilt for my choices, I will admit I took the coward’s way out. I wasn’t strong enough to stand for myself, so I gave him the opportunity to end it, and he did. With it, it was heavily suggested I leave the province to return to my training, without my children. The next 6 months were horrible. My mental health was always questionable, I’ve suffered from anxiety for many years, but being away from my boys and my life crumbling, I was faced with depression as well.

I sank low, I lived a life I thought I deserved, one where I didn’t respect myself so I didn’t care that no one else respected me. My goal though was always to get back to my boys. So I worked, I struggled, I wrote memos, I talked to people, and in the end I was able to return to my kids.

But the world I came back to had changed. I was now single, wasband had moved on,  and while some friends had stayed, others had decided my actions were not the kind they wish to stay friends with, my family decided they didn’t know who I was anymore. And I struggled, I struggled to find my place in this city that I had loved for so many years, I struggled to forgive myself, and to move on past the guilt that I was carrying with me. I struggled with trying to find what kind of person I wanted to be, where I could possibly go from here.

I’m fortunate. Over the last year and a half, I’ve found a path. It might narrow at times, and I might step off it, but I finally think I’m beginning to find my own way. Too bad it only took 36 years.

Self care:Stage two

It doesn’t get much better than a new pair of glasses, wait how about  two new pairs of glasses and four cases of contacts?

Last week I went and ordered myself two new frames, one of which is way out of my comfort zone but I seem to be getting the most compliments for! I didn’t really wear contacts while I was pregnant because the shape of my eyes changed, I’ve been rocking the one pair I had left for special occasions (like when I needed to wear my catcher’s mask) so I’m super excited to get back to it. 
It’s not that I don’t feel attractive in my glasses I just want to be able to watch a 3D movie without feeling like a weirdo. 

So thanks Clearly Contacts for hooking me up with everything for less that $275 (which is what my medical plan covers). 

So without further ado….


Self care

I’ve decided that in order to be a better mom I need to start taking better of myself. So I told Paul for Christmas I wanted to buy myself some new make up. The lip gloss I currently use I bought on my wedding day…over 5 years ago. Needless to say I was due. But considering my make up usage isn’t really high I couldn’t justify buying really expensive products until I knew I would use it. 

After a little looking around I discovered the ELF line on well.ca, I was able to go through ebates, and had a $10 off coupon and I went to town. 

It arrived today and I couldn’t wait to dig in! I’ve led a pretty lucky life that I’ve never needed to wear that much make up; even when I was a server and whooing my husband 11 years ago. I watched a few make up videos on YouTube and tried my hand. I’m clearly pretty light-handed and will need some more practice but I’m pleased with it. 

So the products I purchased:

 And your classic before and after shot with full disgusted facial expressions. 

I do have my own mascara and eye liner, and I’m very excited to try my Younique lipstick. So here’s to taking care of yourself!

Mo time mo crafts 

Some more additions to the box I sent down to my mom’s community craft sale…

Some bib bandanas and infinity scarves. 

It’s been a busy day of sewing and cleaning. So I’m not going to write much more…


This still counts, I’m still in NaBloPoMo…


Thank goodness for grandparents. Everyone needs a break, everyone deserves a break. Today that break was given to me by my parents. 

I, of course decided to spend that time sewing and crafting…. Because I of course decided to make us all making pjamma pants, Christmas sweaters, and crafts for a local sale.  

There is this awesome store here in the city called Patch where you can rent a serger by the hour. I only have a normal old sewing machine at home but after two hours in this shop I might need to buy my own. I still have a little more sewing to finish off tomorrow, so you’ll have to stay tuned for pictures of the finished product. 

Also I’ve been doing a little painting as seen in some of my previous posts. I’ve been using a combo of small testers from Home Depot and Vaseline in order to get a distressed look. 

I’m super happy with how they turned out. 

Christmas present for Daddy

As I’ve said before I’m attempting to make some Christmas gifts this year to be a little more practical. Pinterest has been my best friend for inspiration and when I found this I knew it was perfect for him. 

 So I found the superhero fonts, made up my own version and sent it off to staples.
I had some of the paint already from previous projects and got a 16 by 20 canvas from Dollerama for $3. 

 Grabbed some carbon paper from Staples as well and we were good to go!

Now I will say the carbon paper did leave some smudges on the canvas, I’m a lefty so that pretty much always happens. I haven’t attempted to try and get rid of them yet, and if they don’t come off I’m not horribly upset. It’s handmade it doesn’t need to be perfect. 

So after tracing around the words I began the slow process of hand painting everything. 

At the end I didn’t like how the edges of the superhero names weren’t crisp so I took a fine tip permenant marker and outlined them. I’m super happy with how it turned out!

All that’s left is to mod-podge pictures of the boys from Halloween on the edges and it’ll be perfect for his office. 

We did something cool today!

Almost missed the deadline today! But we met up with some friends to go for a little stroll at a local park. I’ve been there once before on a baby wearing walk but today I was introduced to these awesome bird feeders along the trail that if you held your hand out with seed birds would land in your hand.    
 Pretty awesome. 

The double jogger stroller I bought is so far money well spent, the kids took turns in it, and it kept them snug and warm. 

All and all it doesn’t matter what time of year it is, get out there and enjoy it.